Category Archives: PlanetHantsLUG

GnuCash on Arch Linux

The version of GnuCash in Arch Linux, although up-to-date, is not compiled to use the webkit library, so formatting of reports such the tax invoice is very basic: it doesn't use the fonts that can be selected in the report options.

It's easily fixed though:

  1. sudo pacman -S abs webkitgtk2
  2. sudo abs
  3. copy /var/abs/extra/gnucash to a suitable place, such as ~/abs/
  4. cd ~/abs/gnucash
  5. add the option '–with-html-engine=webkit' to the PKGBUILD file after the line beginning with './configure'.  Or apply this patch:
    — PKGBUILD~    2012-11-20 16:49:51.048534626 +0000
    +++ PKGBUILD    2012-11-20 16:49:54.015211392 +0000
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    -# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.1 2012/11/20 05:03:00 chris Exp chris $
    +# $Id: PKGBUILD 165143 2012-08-11 18:49:18Z eric $
     # Maintainer: Aaron Griffin <>
     # Contributor: Mark Schneider <>
    @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     build() {
       cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
       ./configure –prefix=/usr –mandir=/usr/share/man –sysconfdir=/etc
    +    –with-html-engine=webkit
         –libexecdir=/usr/lib –disable-schemas-install –enable-ofx –enable-aqbanking
  6. makepkg
  7. sudo pacman -U *.xz

Agere DSP / Martian modem on Ubuntu 10.10

Dial-up modems have always been a pain on Linux.  I got this one working though.

System: old PC running Ubuntu 10.10 (yes, still).

Modem: PCI card with Agere DSP chipset — i.e. a 'winmodem'.

Scanmodem reveals that it will work with the 'martian' driver, which is available on Ubuntu as packages 'martian' and 'martian-source'.

Having installed the packages, there is still some work to do which has to be repeated every time the Linux kernel gets updated:

  1. Make sure that you've got the linux-headers-xx package that matches your current kernel.
  2. As root:
    cd /usr/src/modules/martian-modem/source
    make install
    depmod -a
    modprobe martian-dev

  3. Now you can run 'martian-modem –daemon' which sets up the modem as /dev/ttySM0
  4. I found that, after rebooting, it all Just Worked — /dev/ttySM0 was there and accessible.
  5. So I could set up Gnome PPP to use /dev/ttySM0
  6. Sorted.

(Those instructions are fairly minimal, but you should get the idea.)